"Eine neue Studie hat gezeigt, dass ein Signalmolekül, das Entzündungen in den Lungen auslöst, eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Verschlimmerung einiger Langzeit-COVID-Symptome spielen könnte. Erfahren Sie mehr über die potenzielle Entdeckung von wirksameren Behandlungen für Langzeit-COVID."
Asparagus Growth: How Does Asparagus Grow? Asparagus is a herbaceous perennial vegetable, which means it can be an exceptionally long-term crop, possibly lasting up to 20 years. It can be grown from dormant plants known as crowns or from seeds. The Royal Horticultural Society provides in-depth information on how to grow your own asparagus. An important tip for beginners: it’s best to avoid harvesting your asparagus for the first couple of years. This restraint allows the plant to establish a strong root system. Once the initial period is over, you can anticipate enjoying homegrown asparagus each spring for many years.…